Get some printspiration
Our blog that tells you all about printing & marketing
And there’s more: the printspiration repertoire offers interesting facts about our services – print, prepress, packaging and creative – as well as news and views from behind the scenes at LONGO. And we look at matters outside our own company too! With this blog, we focus on highly topical issues from the marketing and communication industry so that you too are always up to date. Click and let yourself be printspired!
GEN Z speaks out
...about things that matter to the young generation and the importance of sustainability in this context.
LONGO intern Lea has written a text from her perspective about her generation: Generation Z.
Generation Z is often referred to as the generation of ...
New year - new luck?
The new design element should be established in 2023. But that's not all - diligent blog readers know that "simple" is not exactly what we're all ...
LONGO x Zentralsueden X-Mas
LONGO and Zentralsüden give away attention
Gifts are the attention we give to our loved ones. With the wrapping paper from the Creative Consultancy Zentralsüden, designed by the three ...
In between Videojet and Letterpress
Between old and new - between innovation and tradition
So, to return to the start: letterpress and videojet. Letterpress means (as diligent blog readers, print industry affiliates and book lovers know) ...